N-Methylanilines as Simple and Efficient Promoters for Radical-Type Cross-Coupling Reactions of Aryl Iodides.


Activation of the carbon– halogen bonds in aryl halides is a key step in transition-metal-free cross-coupling reactions. In this paper, a new and efficient radical initiation system for the activation of iodoarenes to produce aryl radicals was discovered, which employs the combination of N-methylanilines and tBuOK. This radical initiation system is robust and versatile, enabling various types of aryl-radical-related reactions.

Chem. – Eur. J. 2017, 23, 65-69.


Huan Yang
Huan Yang
PhD student, 2014-2019

Huan studied in Jiao’s group as a PhD student from 2014 to 2019.

Li Zhang
Li Zhang
PhD student, 2015-2020

Li studied in Jiao’s group as a PhD student from 2015 to 2020.

Lei Jiao
Lei Jiao
Associate professor

Rational design makes a difference.