Chen-Hui and Xiao-Xia’s work on amide C-H arylation published in ACIE. Congratulations!

Congratulations to Chen-Hui Yuan and Xiao-Xia Wang for the publication of their work on asymmetric C-H arylation of aliphatic tertary amides in Angewandte Chemie International Edition (e202300854)!

This work was a follow-up study of our prior study on sulfoxide-2-hydorxypyridine (SOHP) ligands (Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 11042-11054) by Dr. Yu-Jie Wang, where Pd(II)/SOHP catalytic system was used to tune the regioselectivity of the indole C-H olefination reaction. Here a chiral SOHP ligand was prepared and Pd(II)/chiral SOHP system was proved to be efficient in directing the asymmetric C-H arylation of aliphatic tertary amides. Hope that Chen-Hui will dig more new reactivities out of the SOHP ligand and make it an unique and versatile ligand family.