Visible-Light-Induced Organocatalytic Borylation of Aryl Chlorides.


The preparation of arylboronates from unactivated aryl chlorides in a transition-metal-free manner is rather challenging. There are only few examples to achieve this goal by using ultraviolet irradiation. Based on the mechanistic understanding of the diboron/ methoxide/pyridine reaction system, we achieved photoactivation of the in situ generated super electron donor and developed a visible-light-induced organocatalytic method for efficient borylation of unactivated aryl chlorides.

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 9124-9128.


Li Zhang
Li Zhang
PhD student, 2015-2020

Li studied in Jiao’s group as a PhD student from 2015 to 2020.

Lei Jiao
Lei Jiao
Associate professor

Rational design makes a difference.