Feng-Yuan and Yu-Xiu’s work on novel olefin ligand published in JACS.

Congratulations to Feng-Yuan Wang and Yu-Xiu Li for the publication of their work on the design of a functionalized cycloolefin ligand in Journal of the American Chemical Society (doi: 10.1021/jacs.3c00329)!

This work was conceived based on our seminal work on Pd/olefin catalysis (Nat. Synth. 2022, 1, 180-187), which provides a solution to ortho-constraint in the ortho-alkylative Catellani-type reaction. It showcases the uniqueness of the Pd/olefin catalysis compared with Pd/NBE catalysis, as well as the power of rational ligand design in metal catalysis. The work was mainly conducted by Mr. Feng-Yuan Wang, and Mr. Yu-Xiu Li has also made significant contribution to this work.